Overriding the Default Settings

You can override some of the default configuration settings for individual transactions by including optional web-specific parameters in the request to create or update an account. Include a web object in the Account request body, as described in Creating or Updating Accounts.


web Object Example


The values override the corresponding values that are configured in the Application Settings.

Redirect pages

Use web.successUrl and web.errorUrl to specify how the end user will be redirected by the browser at the end of the web acquisition user journey.

If these parameters are not provided, and the values are not present in the Jumio Platform settings, the end user will be shown a success or error page instead.


Use web.locale to render the content of the client in the specified language.

The values are hyphenated combinations of ISO 639-1:2002alpha-2 language code plus ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country (where applicable), as shown in the following table:

Value Locale
ar Arabic
bg Bulgarian
cs Czech
da Danish
de German
el Greek
en American English (default)
en-GB English (United Kingdom)
es Spanish
es-MX Mexican Spanish
et Estonian
fi Finnish
fr French
he Hebrew
hr Croatian
hu Hungarian
hy Armenian
id Indonesian
it Italian
ja Japanese
ka-GE Georgian
km Khmer
ko Korean
lt Lithuanian
ms Malay
nl Dutch
no Norwegian
pl Polish
pt Portuguese
pt-BR Brazilian Portuguese
ro Romanian
ru Russian
sk Slovak


Serbian (Latin)


Serbian (Cyrillic)

sv Swedish
th Thai
tr Turkish



vi Vietnamese
zh-CN Simplified Chinese
zh-HK Traditional Chinese