iOS WebView

Jumio supports two types of WebView for iOS:

  • Safari WebView

    Pros Cons
    Access to the camera during ID and Identity No optional postMessage communication
    Fewer integration steps Fewer options for troubleshooting
  • Native iOS WebView

    Pros Cons
    Optional postMessage communication Image upload only (no access to the camera)
    Better options for troubleshooting More integration steps

Safari WebView

This section describes how to embed Web Client in a Safari View Controller.

Permissions and Settings

Make sure that camera permissions are granted.

Sample App

Check out our Sample App for the iOS Safari WebView.

Sample Code

ViewController.swift example

Native iOS WebView

This section describes how to embed the Web Client in a native iOS WebView.

Permissions and Settings

No specific permissions are needed as we cannot access the camera due to native WebView limitations for iOS.

Embedding the Required Script

To allow Jumio to identify the user runtime environment, you will need to embed a required script that sets the flag __NVW_WEBVIEW__ to true to interact with the webview window object. For details, see the sample code below.

Sample App

Check out our Sample App for the Native iOS WebView.

Please also enable inline Playback for the WebView in the Storyboard/UI builder.

ViewController.swift example