Risk Signal: Phone Number Check

Phone Verification enables our customers to assess the risk of a provided phone number. Phone verification is a fundamental risk check that analyzes a phone number to provide an overall risk. This adds phone intelligence as a layer of defense to fraud prevention.

Phone verification provides the overall risk and reputation of a phone number by looking at the risk and usage of patterns of the phone number along with metadata around the type of phone.

Use Case

For those with onboarding and account login workflows who wish to understand and assess the risk of a given phone number.

Supported Credentials

The following values can be uploaded as Prepared Data. Alternatively, they can be extracted by an upstream capability in a workflow.

To use Prepared Data with phone verification as a standalone capability use workflow key 10065.








Phone number of the subject in E.164 format.

Must include country code.

Example Prepared Data Body

	 "phoneNumber": "+65644***8"


capabilities ": {
  "phoneVerification": [{
    "id": "94d8b738-07c2-45b8-8b7d-5e5f5dc89947",
    "credentials": [{
      "id": "48655c2f-5e5f-46e0-bb42-22c980c630fd",
      "category": "DATA"
    "decision": {
      "type": "PASSED",
      "details": {
        "label": "LOW_RISK"
    "data": {
      "phoneType": "MOBILE",
      "carrier": "Vi",
      "blocked": false,
      "riskInsights": {
        "relativeRisk": [
            "LOW ACTIVITY"
        "applicationToPersonTraffic": [
          "SEEN IN THE LAST 1 DAY",
        "personToPersonTraffic": [
          "NO P2P DATA ANALYZED"

Decision Details Labels

Decision Type






























Possible values:










  • VOIP



Phone Carrier Name



True / False 


string array

The risk category. This is determined based on weighting the risk and trust signals indicated by the other risk insights. See Relative Risk Values.


string array

Reasons specific to application-to-person messaging (a2p). These are automated messages sent to a human, such as verification codes, appointment reminders, etc. These reasons are organized into multiple sub-categories. See Application to Person Values.


string array

Not used at this time. The value will always be "NO P2P DATA ANALYZED"

Relative Risk Values

Value Description
low activity Not enough activity or attributes to classify the transaction as either risky or trustworthy.
low regular activity Trustworthy category, based on past behavior.
regular activity Most trustworthy category, based on past behavior.
low-risk irregular activity Risky category, based on past behavior.
medium-risk irregular activity High-risk category, based on past behavior.
high-risk irregular activity Highest-risk category, based on past behavior.
irregular number type This number has risky static attributes (like VOIP phone type or being on a blocklist).

Application to Person Values

Category Value Description
Activity no long-term activity Much less than expected activity, or none at all, for this number over the past 90 days. Cannot classify.
Activity high long-term activity More than expected activity for this number over the past 90 days.
Activity high short-term activity More than expected activity for this number over the last 24 hours.
Activity moderate long-term activity Expected activity for this number over the past 90 days.
Activity moderate short-term activity Expected activity for this number over the last 24 hours.
Activity sparse long-term activity Sparse, regular volume of verification traffic on this number over the past 90 days.
Activity continuous long-term activity Continuous, regular volume of verification traffic on this number over the past 90 days.
Activity very high long-term activity Very high volume of verification traffic on this number over the past 90 days.
Activity no activity Very low volume of verification traffic, or none at all, was ever observed on this number.
Activity low long-term activity Low volume of verification traffic on this phone number over the past 90 days.
Activity low short-term activity Low volume of verification traffic on this phone number over the past 24 hours. Very low volume of verification traffic, or none at all over the past 90 days.
Activity low activity Less than expected activity for this number.
Range no range activity Very little activity, or none at all, for a risky range that this number belongs to over the past 90 days. Also returned if the number does not belong to a risky range.
Range low range activity Some activity for a risky range that this number belongs to over the past 90 days.
Range moderate short-term range activity Significant activity for a risky range that this number belongs to over the last 24 hours.
Range moderate long-term range activity Significant activity for a risky range that this number belongs to over the past 90 days.
Range high short-term range activity Very significant activity for a risky range that this number belongs to over the last 24 hours.
Range high long-term range activity Very significant activity for a risky range that this number belongs to over the past 90 days.
Range very high long-term range activity Extremely significant activity for a risky range that this number belongs to over the past 90 days.
Range very high short-term range activity Extremely significant activity for a risky range that this number belongs to over the last 24 hours.
Risky Services moderate activity on risky services Significant activity on this number to or from risky services over the past 90 days.
Risky Services high activity on risky services Very significant activity on this number to or from risky services over the past 90 days.
Risky Services long-term activity on risky services Verification traffic on risky services on this number over the past 90 days.
Risky Services short-term activity on risky services Verification traffic on risky services on this number over the past 24 hours.
Risky Services high long-term activity on risky services High volume of verification traffic on risky services on this number over the past 90 days.
Risky Services high short-term activity on risky services High volume of verification traffic on risky services on this number over the past 24 hours.
Risky Services long-term range activity on risky services Verification traffic on risky services on the range this number belongs to over the past 90 days.
Risky Services short-term range activity on risky services Verification traffic on risky services on the range this number belongs to over the past 24 hours.
Risky Services high long-term range activity on risky services High volume of verification traffic on risky services on the range this number belongs to over the past 90 days.
Risky Services high short-term range activity on risky services High volume of verification traffic on risky services on the range this number belongs to over the past 24 hours.
Risky Services very high short-term activity on risky services Very high volume of verification traffic on risky services on this number over the past 90 days.
Risky Services very high long-term activity on risky services Very high volume of verification traffic on risky services on this number over the past 24 hours.
Risky Services very high short-term range activity on risky services Very high volume of verification traffic on risky services on the range this number belongs to over the past 90 days.
Risky Services very high long-term range activity on risky services Very high volume of verification traffic on risky services on the range this number belongs to over the past 24 hours.


machine-like activity

Behavior pattern that suggests this number is being used by a bot. Although we expect a submitted number engaged in A2P traffic to communicate with automated systems, we don’t expect the user of that number to be an automated system.


machine-like range activity

Extremely high volume of verification traffic in a very short period (less than 1 hour) on the range this number belongs to.


seen in the last 1 day

This number was seen in verification traffic in the last 1 day.


seen in the last 7 days

This number was seen in verification traffic in the last 7 days.


seen in the last 15 days

This number was seen in verification traffic in the last 15 days.


seen in the last 1 month

This number was seen in verification traffic in the last 1 month.


seen in the last 2 months

This number was seen in verification traffic in the last 2 months.


seen in the last 3 months

This number was seen in verification traffic in the last 3 months.


seen more than 3 months ago

This number was not seen in verification traffic in the last 3 months.